Ingolf Ultra Distance Cycling

Jul 17, 2024

RAAM day 3 On our way to Durango ... finish line of the RAW race while w…

RAAM day 3 On our way to Durango ... finish line of the RAW race while we keep going. On the way we had one change to the previous years. A short Shuttle transport was part of the race to avoid issues with last years fires in those regions. That got me the chance to take a short nap. Overall the day was mainly without any major issues. Still feeling good even the heat start getting annoying and crew kept helping with proper drinking ... Still not hitting the heatwave yet. Also cool ... had some cool climbs and mostly even cool decent's. Crew more and more got used to the process. I was glad about their great support. #infinitybikeseat #hammernutrition

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Jul 17, 2024

Jul 15, 2024

Jul 15, 2024

Jul 14, 2024

RAAM 2024 Day 2 As expected day two was very hot in the desert. Tempera…

RAAM 2024 Day 2 As expected day two was very hot in the desert. Temperatures peak at 127 F ... it was more than 2023 and unfortunately slowed me down a bit ... Crew did an incredible great job keeping me cool and hydrated. I remember at the time of crew swapping before the big climb I felt like the water and perpetual I kept drinking was already hot and wanted a cold soda and/or energy drink. So at the one convenient store the crew got me some energy drink which fit great. Overall climbing was well over 12000 ft that day ... I remember after the climb I funny enough mentioned to the crew that the climb felt cool to me ... ok it was hot but I like climbing. 🙂



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