Ingolf Ultra Distance Cycling

Dec 06, 2024

WUCA World Record in the HWMR category for 7-day Time Trial attempt. Fi…

WUCA World Record in the HWMR category for 7-day Time Trial attempt. Finally my 2024 season is over. I did accept it as being completed and start looking at preparation for some resting and 2025 season. However since I had no family get together for Thanksgiving I somehow came up with the idea to use Thanksgiving week for a 7 day time trial attempt to see how many miles are doable. Funny as is - I was not prepared since I started to focus on some slower times over end of the year and I could not pull a crew together for this. Sio that lead me to the decision to go for the 7 day time trial attempt without any crew help and no special preparation. Why would I do this? Simple answer ... its was a test to see what I need to watch out for and work on for 2025 when doing it possibly with a crew. will provide a bit of a riders report by day and more details. However I learned a lot from the attempt this year. Besides getting a decent distance of 1858.09 miles (2990.31 km) I admit a lot came up showing what I better watch out for. First of all doing it without support crew was a challenging lesson learned and did lead to some issues. Second of all a proper training preparing for it would be more helpful as well. Every stop took much longer than I expected. Not having a crew I admit my time trial attempt was over a bit sooner than I wanted ... lack of focus and slowed reaction times caused an accident that ended it before I was able to go for the 2000 mile marker. Nevertheless it was an interesting experience. and I will take all the specific infos from my attempt and use them for a 2025 time trial attempt where I hope getting much better milage. Big thanks for all year support from Heidi Maldonado and from my coach Giovanni Prosperi .... A result like this would not have been possible without their great support all year.

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