Ingolf Ultra Distance Cycling

Jul 14, 2024

RAAM 2024 Day 2 As expected day two was very hot in the desert. Tempera…

RAAM 2024 Day 2 As expected day two was very hot in the desert. Temperatures peak at 127 F ... it was more than 2023 and unfortunately slowed me down a bit ... Crew did an incredible great job keeping me cool and hydrated. I remember at the time of crew swapping before the big climb I felt like the water and perpetual I kept drinking was already hot and wanted a cold soda and/or energy drink. So at the one convenient store the crew got me some energy drink which fit great. Overall climbing was well over 12000 ft that day ... I remember after the climb I funny enough mentioned to the crew that the climb felt cool to me ... ok it was hot but I like climbing. 🙂



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