Ingolf Ultra Distance Cycling

Jul 15, 2024

Jul 14, 2024

RAAM 2024 Day 2 As expected day two was very hot in the desert. Tempera…

RAAM 2024 Day 2 As expected day two was very hot in the desert. Temperatures peak at 127 F ... it was more than 2023 and unfortunately slowed me down a bit ... Crew did an incredible great job keeping me cool and hydrated. I remember at the time of crew swapping before the big climb I felt like the water and perpetual I kept drinking was already hot and wanted a cold soda and/or energy drink. So at the one convenient store the crew got me some energy drink which fit great. Overall climbing was well over 12000 ft that day ... I remember after the climb I funny enough mentioned to the crew that the climb felt cool to me ... ok it was hot but I like climbing. 🙂



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Jul 12, 2024

RAAm Day One continuedStill I believe going conservative was helpful to …

RAAm Day One continuedStill I believe going conservative was helpful to keep power as expected. I made it perfectly fine through the mountains in California. Also did the so named Glass Elevator a bit more careful this year. Last year almost had a collision with a Fedex truck and was not willing to take unnecessary risks. Switched bikes to TT bike shortly after Christmas Circle. The idea was good but could have waited a bit longer to avoid the minor climbing at first 5-10 miles after that. Still was happy with handling on the TT bike. Went great into second day but admit heat was something special. Many say its dry heat and not too bad ... I disagree .. dry heat has some ad side effects since we do not feel like we should drink. So I ask the crew to remind me every 15 minutes to keep drinking. As annoying those reminders have been to me. Also crew started to cool me down a bit. So that was great. Did ok distance for first 24 hours and cannot really complain. Crew start getting a feeling of it during night direct follow and daytime leapfrogging. Would I do it different on next attempt? Maybe ... hard to tell since it was to some degree a successful start and I was able to stick with my initial plan.

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Jul 12, 2024

RAAM Solo 2024 Day One It's funny ... some even ask why the heck do you …

RAAM Solo 2024 Day One It's funny ... some even ask why the heck do you do this again while knowing the pain and how tough the race is? RAAM Solo was on my bucket list and I had to get this one completed. Plus I wanted to show that if focused and dedicated to such a goal that as long as having an outstanding crew and being fully focused on the goal it is doable even not being long into Cycling at all. So after another year of preparation I am back at the start location in Oceanside CA again. And I had the feeling I will get this one done. Strategy was a bit different to 2023 ... I had a solid nutrition plan and also ... 2023 I pushed harder on day one while on 2024 race I decided to go a bit more conservative. Mhhh, however we do it it's never perfect 😂. Going conservative caused me some more issues on the road since I had to suffer heat a bit longer and did get into sand/dust storms that may have been avoidable if going a bit faster on first days.

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Jul 10, 2024

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