Ingolf Ultra Distance Cycling

Jun 23, 2023

A group dinner in St Louis.

We stopped by the Old Herald Brewery & Distillery last night to get together one last time and celebrate our achievements. Ingolf rode a total 2107.9 miles. That’s more than the 2022 Tour de France, which was 2081 miles. We learned a lot as a semi junior team to RAAM. The logistics of ensuring a solo riders safety and well-being provided us with a lot of lessons. Now prepare for next year. 😜


Jun 22, 2023

A day of cleanup

Just cause it’s over doesn’t mean it’s over. Today we get to go through all of our gear, look at how we need to reorganize, and deep clean all of our vehicles … some might need more than a deep cleaning.

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Jun 22, 2023


There’s a hard cutoff at 10 am on Sunday. We won’t be able to make it but we rode about 2000 miles. Farther than the Tour De France 2022. It was an amazing experience and adventure. We saw so much of America and met so many nice people and want to thank RAAM for the experience.

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Jun 22, 2023

Jun 21, 2023

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